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Team up with earth sciences, computer science or artificial intelligence & machine learning experts to develop innovative open source software



In these two sessions on the 17th and 25th of July, our selected teams presented their projects and their statuses so far. Whether you're already familiar with Code for Earth or are just learning about it, these webinars are perfect for anyone looking to learn more about what kind of projects our teams are working on. 

About Code for Earth

Code for Earth is an innovation programme run by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Its aim is to drive innovation and open source developments in the Earth sciences community - supporting developments in weather, atmosphere, and climate, Copernicus and Destination Earth (DestinE). Learn more about ECMWF, Copernicus and DestinE.

Since 2018, each summer, selected developer teams work together with experienced mentors from ECMWF and partner organisations on innovative projects. These projects are related to the broad scope of activities at ECMWF, including data science, weather, climate or other earth sciences, visualisation and more.

Code for Earth is expanding!

This year we welcomed four new Challenge Partners, each bringing unique expertise and perspectives to our programme. 

Our new partners are: CESOC/University Bonn, European Environment Agency (EEA), Helmoltz Zentrum Hereon, University of Reading

How it works

From the Call for participation to the Final Code for Earth Day

Ready for 2024 Edition?

Browse the roadmap here below!

Call for participation

29 February - 09 April

Browse through the Code for Earth 2024 

challenges on GitHub. Ask questions and together with ECMWF mentors, you can tailor your submission. Submit your proposal 

by 09 April 2024.

Announcement of selected proposals

29 April

The Code for Earth 2024 teams will be announced on 29 April 2024. You can follow Code for Earth on X and subscribe to the newsletter to get all updates.

Coding phase

02 May - 31 August

The four-month long coding period starts on 02 May 2024 and ends on 31 August 2024. During this time, the selected teams will work with their Code for Earth mentors. These are experts in earth sciences like weather, climate and climate change, atmosphere and air quality or in technology areas like AI/ML, cloud computing, applied data science or open source software development.

The Final Code for Earth Day

18 September

The Code for Earth Day is a celebratory completion of the programme. This year the event will be hosted at ECMWF's headquarters in Reading, UK.

Teams will be invited to present their project results.

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Find out more about Code for Earth

with contributions by: