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Code for Earth/ESoWC featured in the Media

ESoWC 2022 got six new innovative open-source software solutions 

Ten teams take part in Code for Earth 2023

ECMWF publishes new Software Strategy

Summer of Weather Code becomes Code for Earth

The fifth edition of ESoWC came to a close with a full day of presentations at ECMWF’s Bonn office on 28 September 2022. The six developer teams showcased their open-source software solutions and ESoWC participants and mentors had the opportunity to meet face-to-face after four months of intense coding and close collaboration.  

Code for Earth, an ECMWF-run innovation and partnership programme, fosters collaboration and supports advancements in weather and climate research, including in the Copernicus programme and the Destination Earth (DestinE) initiative, which are both EU-funded. 

ECMWF has published a new Software Strategy, outlining its plans for the development of software outside the weather prediction process until 2027. We feel this is the right moment as we transition towards a framework for increased collaboration based on software componentisation.

The ECMWF Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) has been engaging external coders to work on open-source developments for the last five years. Several of the software solutions developed have advanced our web services, visualisation or other services.

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October 2023

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31 January 2023

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07 November 2022

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January 2023

Summer of Weather Code in fourth round in 2021

ECMWF’s Summer of Weather Code 2021 (ESoWC) will launch its fourth edition on 1 February 2021. Innovative weather, climate and atmosphere-related challenges and ideas that will be highly beneficial to ECMWF and Copernicus activities will be proposed on Github, where interested parties can submit a proposal on how to tackle the challenge.

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31 January 2021

ECMWF Summer of Weather Code,
a driver of innovation

ECMWF Summer of Weather Code drives open-source developments and innovation

ECMWF Summer of Weather Code 2021 - Final Results

The principle behind ESoWC is that ECMWF staff propose ideas for developments, and developers apply by proposing a solution to the proposed challenge. After the coding period, and provided that all milestones and deliverables are fulfilled, the developers receive a stipend of £5,000.

ECMWF’s fourth Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) came to a close with the Final ESoWC Day on 29 September 2021. The day-long online event showcased the outcomes of nine open-source projects, which developer teams worked on during a coding period between May and August.

The fourth edition of ECMWF’s Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) came to a close with the Final ESoWC Day on 29 Sept. 2021. The day-long online event showcased the outcomes of nine open-source projects, which nine developer teams worked on during a four-month coding period from May to August 2021.

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October 2021

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01 November 2021

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26 October 2020

ESoWC 2020
ESoWC Kicks Off

ECMWF launches new weather and climate-related coding challenges

More and better aircraft weather observations are possible

Exploring online aircraft metadataESoWC 2020

The ECMWF Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC), which has begun its 2020 edition, brings together teams to solve technical challenges in analysis and forecasting for weather, climate, and atmospheric applications.

ECMWF has published the challenges for its third Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC). Applicants have until 22 April 2020 to submit proposals for weather- and climate-related projects that address the challenges of handling large amounts of data and transforming it into information.

Improvements in aircraft weather observation numbers, quality and metadata are possible if numerical weather prediction centres work with the WMO, EUMETNET and the aviation sector, according to experts who met at ECMWF on 12 and 13 February 2020.

ECMWF is working towards improving the use of meteorological observations from aircraft by adding information such as aircraft type and airline. 

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02 March 2020

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24 Februrary 2020

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13 Februrary 2020

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January 2020

ECMWF’s second Summer of Weather Code 2019

Twelve challenges for ECMWF’s second Summer of Weather Code

Summer coding programme inspires open-source developments

ECMWF’s Summer of Weather Code2018

Faithful to its spirit of innovation, the second ECMWF Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) programme invited proposals for up to twelve open-source projects that address weather-related software challenges. 

ECMWF has launched its second Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) programme open to anybody keen to develop innovative weather-related software.

ECMWF’s 2019 Summer of Weather Code finished on a high with a showcase day for the seven successful projects on 20 September.

At the start of 2018, ECMWF launched the first edition of the ECMWF Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC) to find novel and creative ways to address weather-related software challenges.

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October 2019

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21 October 2019

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23 January 2019

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October 2018

ECMWF’s Summer of Weather Code 2018 launch

September 2018 will see the completion of ECMWF’s first Summer of Weather Code (ESoWC), a collaborative programme where we invited software developers, start-ups, weather professionals and scientists to work with us to create new and innovative weather-related code.

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10 September 2018

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