ADC Toolbox: Comparing Atmospheric Composition Datasets

Nowadays it is possible to obtain atmospheric composition datasets for the same locations from different sources. However, most datasets are not easily comparable due to their file formats and structure. 

In this regard, Atmospheric Datasets Comparison (ADC) Toolbox is aimed to have a set of tools that allows unit conversion, side-by-side visual comparison, regridding, time and geographic data aggregation and statistics visualization to show how similar the datasets are among them.

The toolbox will consist of different scripts written in Jupyter Notebooks with the tools:

– Transformation: The datasets to be compared will be transformed into a common format.

– Merge: The files will be regridded and, if needed, its units will be converted, to combine them.

– Comparison: Statistics methods will be used to show information about the datasets.

– Visualization: The merge output will be seen side-by-side in tables and maps.

– File format change: The files in a common format will be given in any desired file format.

Follow the developments on GitHub


  • Federico Fierli
  • Antje Inness 
  • Miha Razinger


Alba Vilanova Cortezón